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AI Literacy

Understand, evaluate, and identify some guidelines and techniques for using LLMs/generative AI.  

What is an LLM? What is generative AI? How do they produce text?

What are some harms of LLMs and generative AI?

What are some guidelines for responsible generative AI use?

What are some effective techniques for AI prompting?

Note: This content includes copy-and-pasted material in each of the sections above from several external sources; we have adapted the texts slightly by deleting some phrases and adjusting formatting for a consistent presentation here. A link to the original source is included at the end of each portion of text used. The material in each section is direct quotation–except for the slight adaptations mentioned; it does not follow formal, standard formatting. Complete references to the texts used are below.

Works Cited

“AI Tools for Writing: Information for Students.” The Judith Anderson Herbert Writing Center, University of Tennessee, 1 Oct 2023.

Gladd, Joel. “How to Prompt AI Chatbots.” Write What Matters, edited by Liza Long, Amy Minervini, and Joel Gladd, Idaho Open Press, 2020.

MLA-CCCC Joint Task Force on Writing and AI. “MLA-CCCC Joint Task Force on Writing and AI Working Paper: Overview of the Issues, Statement of Principles, and Recommendations.” July 2023.

Rutgers AI Council. “Teaching Critical Literacy Document.” Accessed 2 October, 2023.