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Making and Attending Appointments

How to Make an Appointment

1. Go to our free tutoring portal ( (First-time users must register for a free WCOnline account.)2. Select the appropriate schedule. (Schedule availability varies for mini-terms and summer.)

    • English 103 Writing Help (in person, online, or email; ONLY for students enrolled in ENGL 103, Writing Workshop I)
    • Undergraduate Writing Help (in person, online, or email)
    • Graduate Student Writing Help (in person or online)
    • ESL Writing Help (in person or online) — For undergraduate and graduate students for whom English is an additional language
    • Veterans Writing Help (in person or online) — For veteran and active military students
    • Application Materials Help (in person or online)
    • UTK Nursing Graduate Programs (online) — for UTK graduate students in the College of Nursing
    • UTHSC Online (online) — for students attending UTHSC in Memphis

3. Change the week as desired (at the top of the screen). For most schedules, appointments may be made up to 7 days in advance and up to 1 minute before the start time. (Some schedules have other guidelines.)

4. Choose the time and type of meeting you prefer.

  • Time: Available times are shown in white boxes. Adjust the length of the appointment (most people choose 30 minutes; you may select 60 minutes if desired.) All times are Eastern.
  • Type of meeting: Choose in person, online, or email (if available in your preferred schedule)
    • In-person appointment:
      • Choose any tutor listed as “In person & Online” and select “Schedule In-Person Appointment.”
      • Note the location listed beside the tutor’s name–there are several different places. Locations are listed beside the tutor’s name and in the appointment box. 
    • Online appointment:
      • Either: Choose a tutor listed as “Online Only”
      • Or: Choose a tutor listed as “In person & Online” and select “Schedule Online appointment”
    • Email appointment:
      • Limited availability.
      • Select this option only when you have a completed draft.
      • Choose any tutor listed as “Feedback via Email.”
      • You must attach a document in advance of the appointment start time if you choose an email appointment.

5. Answer all requested questions with as much detail as possible.

6. Click “Create Appointment.”

7. Mark the appointment in your calendar/planner, including the type of appointment, the time, and the location if it’s an in-person appointment.

8. Read the confirmation and reminder emails you receive! They include important information about how to attend your appointment. 

How to Attend Your Appointment

If you’re not sure about whether your appointment is in person or online or about the location, if in person:

  • Check the first confirmation email you received from WCOnline–it tells you the type of appointment.
  • Or, open your appointment box, click “Edit Appointment,” and you will see which box is checked–in person or online. The location is listed in parentheses beside the tutor’s name in the appointment schedule

For an in-person appointment:

  • Do not attend an in-person appointment if you have any symptoms of any illness (even if only mild), or are self-isolating or quarantining. Cancel OR switch to an online appointment.
    • Appointments listed as “In Person & Online” may be switched to online before the start time. Open your appointment box, click “Edit Appointment,” and select “Schedule online appointment.” Then, log in a few minutes beforehand at, open your appointment box, and click Start or Join Consultation.”
  • Check the location and check in a few minutes before your appointment time. You may have to wait until the tutor finishes an appointment. Locations are listed beside the tutor’s name and in the appointment box. 
  • Bring a print copy of your document or a device that allows you to send your document digitally to the tutor. We do not handle others’ equipment.
  • Some in-person tutors may request students to wear a mask (which we will provide if needed). We ask that you consider such requests, but it is your choice to agree or decline–we will work with you either way. 

For an online appointment:

  • Log in a few minutes beforehand at, open your appointment box, and click “Start or Join Consultation.”
  • When the tutor is available, they will admit you to the appointment.
  • If you’re having trouble connecting, check your email for a message or email

For an email appointment:

  • Before the start time, you must attach your document. (If you don’t, there’s nothing for us to respond to, and the appointment will be marked as “Missed.”) Scroll to the bottom of the appointment box to attach a file:

Attach files

  • If you attached a document beforehand, you’ll receive feedback via email about 30 minutes after the appointment start time. (At busy times of the semester, it may be a little longer than 30 minutes; please be patient.)

Cancel in Advance if You Cannot Make It

Kindly cancel at least 1 hour in advance if you cannot make it to an in-person or online appointment or cannot attach a document in advance to an email appointment. Not showing up prevents other students from getting help at times you booked but didn’t use. Log in at our appointment scheduling portal, click on your appointment, and click “Cancel Appointment.” If you miss more than 3 times without prior cancelation you will not be able to make further appointments.

Contact with any questions.