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Assignment Planner: Scientific Report

This planner walks you through the steps of preparing a scientific report, which is sometimes written in the format of an IMRaD report or an experimental report. This is sometimes called a lab report in Biology or Chemistry classes. This type of report presents the empirical research done by its authors. Your report tells the story of your research: how it fits into previously completed research, how you conducted the research and tested its reliability and validity, what your results mean, and what significance your research may have for others.

Step 1: Understand the assignment and genre, and gather your resources

Step 2: Review your lab notes

Step 3: Find, read, and evaluate sources for your literature review (if needed)

Step 4: Write a draft

Step 5: Write the abstract

Step 6: Get feedback

Step 7: Revise

Step 8: Finalize the report

Contact your instructor or make an appointment with the Judith Anderson Herbert Writing Center anytime during the process of working on your project! It’s always a good idea to seek out more information and feedback.

The main Assignment Planners page includes access to the planner tool and links to the steps for other types of writing projects.