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Assignment Planner: Literature Review

This planner walks you through how to write a literature review of scholarly sources relevant to your research topic. Its purpose is to inform your audience of the research that has already been done on your topic. Your task is to present to your audience the nature of the existing scholarly conversation about your topic. You’ll want to avoid simply summarizing what your sources say and instead argue that they provide insight into the development of your research topic–as well as how they provide that insight. 

Depending on your assignment guidelines, your literature review may be only one component of your assignment and/or you may be asked to situate your own argument within the conversation taking place among other scholars. Consult your assignment guidelines and instructor about the scope and purpose of your review.

Step 1: Understand the assignment and genre and gather your resources

Step 2: Find, read, and evaluate sources

Step 3: Organize your information

Step 4: Write a draft

Step 5: Get feedback

Step 6: Revise

Step 7: Finalize the project

Contact your instructor or make an appointment with the Judith Anderson Herbert Writing Center anytime during the process of working on your project! It’s always a good idea to seek out more information and feedback.

The main Assignment Planners page includes access to the planner tool and links to the steps for other types of writing projects.